Welcome to the holistic health practice in Munich
Holistic health care is a form of healing that considers the whole person
body, mind, spirit, and emotions — in the quest for optimal health and wellness.
Mind and body influence each other continuously and reciprocally
According to the holistic medicine philosophy, the whole person is made up of interdependent elements and if one is not working properly, all the other elements will be affected. Therefore if people have imbalances (physical, emotional, or spiritual) in their lives, it can negatively affect their overall health.
Genetic determinism is a myth
Trough the psychoneuroimmunology, also known as PNI, research has led to a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection. PNI studies reveal the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous-, endocrine- and immune systems of the human body.
All people have innate powers of healing
but sometimes the system needs external help to regain optimal balance again
In my health care practice I offer the following treatments:
- EFT-Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
- Matrix Reimprinting
- Matrix Birth Reimprinting
- Kinesiologic muscle testing
- Yagerian Therapy
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Access Bars
Together we will find the most appropriate method to boost your self-healing